This weekend...
I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of Dan Price and Jennifer Sandoval in Phoenix. It was one of my slingshot trips (fly in Friday night, fly out Saturday night on the redeye) but it was alot of fun.
Stayed at the Arizona Biltmore/Waldorf-Astoria resort which was very very nice. Had an opportunity to visit a couple of clients beforehand which was convenient. But basically spent the afternoon with Dan and Jennifer and their respective family and friends. The party wrapped up early but I thought I'd spend some last minute time with friends before heading out. (as the earlier flight was oversold and I was stuck with my original flight...c'est la vie I suppose. Besides...I was driving a 2007 Mustang I had no problem driving around to kill the time.
Went down to Tempe... after a quick stop at the HRC-Phoenix for my shotglasses and pins. Grabbed dinner down at ASU and got to the airport with plenty of time to kill.
It was nice to see Biola friends and acquantances...albeit bittersweet in some respects. This being the last wedding of my circle of friends from undergrad...I expect that with the passing years the get togethers will be fewer and further between especially with all of us scattered across the globe. It was hear of some of my exploits in college retold in that setting. Or to quote Roland Morgan during the wedding reception..." Bob only has one testicle". wow...just wow...
Not to sound fatalistic...but I don't expect to see many of the people I saw at Dan's reception was just surreal at best... So it was a good last hurrah...and what better to finally close the Biola chapter of my life with the nuptials of a good friend.
Congratulations Chaplain 1st Lt. and Mrs. Daniel Price. May God Bless you with many years of happiness.