Thursday, June 11, 2009

Start of Round 7....just over half way done

Well...after yet another two rounds of chemotherapy...the tumor markers came back and there is another drop... from 69.9 to 40.6. Not quite the 50 percent of the last things are slowing down...but a drop nonetheless. The doctors want to continue to Round 12...but realistically....I think we're going to need to go to Round 14 and test after that...If it keeps halving...then it should be back to normal by Round 14. If we get to that may be an option once again. You only need 10 percent of your liver to live....

In other a very disturbing article today on how California has 50 days before it enters a financial meltdown. Makes me feel very secure knowing I now live in the country, have my stockpile of food and guns...because things are about to get ugly.

the sad thing is that the credit markers that the Chinese and Europeans hold for the U.S. all come due in 2011. Obama's health plan and bailout spending is going to trigger the financial nightmare everyone is dreading...I fear for this country and for us all. jon voight may be the one who gets the last laugh...

I feel like Sarah Conner..."i survive the cancer to face a new nightmare...."


At 4:07 PM, Blogger Willow said...

Yeah, and I now live in California. It is scary, isn't it? Do I need a back up plan?

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Bob said...

Might i suggest mine...a couple of rifles and six months of food in cold storage. It's going to get ugly...


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