Feeling Accomplished.
It's been an interesting week.
Professionally my office in Chicago received its governmental approval through ARC that I spent the better part of six months finishing.
I was checking the numbers and we will probably close the year 25% percent of last year. We have in essence doubled our sales revenue , in large part to the production from 2004 to the Present during my tenure. That's a nice feeling.
The Aegean process is done except for one account number to be generated from Greece. Once they give me my number from the bank; the government accreditation process of the airline is complete.
On Friday, received an email from my counterpart in the Legislature that the joint resolution was done and going to be introduce this coming week. It's our first lobbying effort completed thanks in large part to the efforts of my other boss. Thanks Curtis for your hard work.
With the exception of the finals and papers I'm wrapping up this week (by Sunday 12/18 11:59p.m.) , it looks like I'll be able to enjoy my reward, two weeks of unadulterated World of Warcraft (or other game of my choosing) during the Christmas holiday. Liz thinks I should just break down and buy a new laptop for myself...but hers is more critical since she uses it more than I do. Worse case scenario, I have the three computers at my mom's that are collecting dust.